Early professionals fear considerably of their careers getting stagnant. And it should be: researches have proven it that one of the reason employees stick with a company is growth and getting managerial responsibilities. However, most of the time it is the responsibility of the employee to portray such characteristics that can make it easy to avail career growth. Below, we have mentioned 10 such ways or tips that can ensure your career advances along with your importance within your organization.
A lot of these tips we will offer are merely common sense, but only if you remember – and actually follow – each of them, you’ll get on the path of career success. It’s easy to know everything but in order to succeed you need to learn how to focus and implement.
1. Take some career development risks
Know that only you are responsible for your career growth. There is no point in wasting your valuable time hoping for a miracle, or waiting for your company to notice that what a creative individual you are. This is neither a movie nor are you dreaming, in fact you are pretty much alive and kicking so it’s better to take charge and start taking risks (calculated).
“A ship is always safe at the shore – but that is NOT what it is built for.” – Albert Einstein
2. Become an “entrepreneur”
In today’s world no organization guarantees lifetime employment. So it’s better to imagine yourself as an artist with a portfolio instead of a loyal employee. As an artist, your aim should be on doing good work, learning as much as possible, and being prepared to hop to a new assignment should the desire or need arise. View your job as a long term consulting assignment, not something permanent.
3. Learn from criticism
Always value constructive criticism, it will provide you with different perspective and opportunity to learn something new. Focus on the information; you can either use criticism in a positive way to improve, or in a negative way to beat around the bush.
4. Be Curious.
Be curious if you really want to achieve something. Curiosity broadens your perspective, awakens mind and keeps it active. Your curiosity will lead you to a lot of questions and those questions will generate new ideas. So please, be curious and figure out why things are the way they are.
5. Don’t get caught up with titles
You shouldn’t be worried about titles and promotions all the time. Be the executive director of your own role, in how passionately you work, how professional you act, and you will grow automatically.
6. Admit your mistakes
Be honest with your work and take pride in it. There is something powerful in genuinely and truthfully doing the best you can do. You need to be open and relax, be humble and have the strength of character to admit your mistake because true power comes when you start learning from your mistakes.
7. Never give up on a task-ever
Be Sherlock! Know your way out. Don’t admit defeat if you haven’t worn out every option first. If you try smart enough, there’s always a way out. Just don’t rush things and –it will show!
8. Don’t pigeonhole yourself
Be open to new opportunities, road to success is always rocky. Remember, to get something you never had you have to do something you’ve never done.
9. Two Ps
Be productive and proactive. Always aim to be productive no matter what, even if you’re wasting your time try to waste it in a productive manner. And be proactive no one else is going to get you where you want to go – it’s only up to you.
10. Treat yourself
Do I need to tell you how? Just treat yourself, listen to yourself and do whatever you like to do. It’s your life– enjoy it your way.
Final Trick
You just have to understand that there is no magic, miracle or luck involved in growing; it’s only you who is involved. If you really want to grow you’ve to work for it – real hard. After all, pain is gain and you know that. Just try to play smart and keep these tips in mind you’ll get your way out.
Till then, if you need any assistance or guidance you can always count on us.